Business Growth Tips For New England Owners

Most business owners recognize the obstacles that are preventing them from maximizing success, but many drastically underestimate the true impact these issues have on their organization.

Almost no one understands this better than Jack Leonardi, the Partner America Regional Director for Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, and Massachusetts.

Joining Partner America in 2018, Jack brought an accomplished knowledge of business management and leadership experience to the team.

For the past 4 years, Jack has been working with business owners throughout the New England area, helping them gain a unique understanding of their challenges and their opportunities.

We recently sat down with Jack to discuss his experience working with business owners, and here’s what he had to say:

You’re an Owner First. Everything Else, Second.

It’s entirely understandable for owners to get caught up in the daily grind of managing their business, which often results in them having less time to spend on improving the organization as a whole.

An inordinate amount of responsibility goes into running a business. Owners must be accountable to every aspect of their company, successful or not.

When things aren’t running smoothly, when sales are not where they belong, when people issues abound, and cash flow becomes a real challenge, the pressure on ownership can be overwhelming.

Partner America assists owners in overcoming this pressure by providing an outside perspective on the organization’s challenges, and giving guidance to finding solutions.

The best thing that you can do for your business is to set formal goals and consistently step back, evaluate, and determine if the company is successful in achieving these goals.

Don’t be afraid to pivot!

COVID-19: Eye-Opening Obstacles For Owners

More than likely, the COVID-19 pandemic impacted your business, bringing some unique challenges, such as employee retention and productivity issues.

But COVID was not necessarily the catalyst to these challenges, it simply brought the already underlying issues to the surface.

  • Extreme Employee Turnover blindsided many owners. How much of the turnover was driven by COVID vs. your company culture?
  • How have Supply Chain Issues impacted you? COVID may have revealed a lack of planning for crisis situations.
  • Accountability Systems have been exposed during COVID-19, whether that was a lack of a formal plan, lack of proper communication, or insufficient liquidity. It all begins with solid leadership.

While COVID may have driven these issues to the forefront, it may have also done you a favor.

Identifying these potential weaknesses in your organization now gives you the freedom and opportunity to address them with permanent solutions.

No One Knows Your Business Better Than You.

It may be unrealistic to expect every owner to have the time, resources, and ability to step back from their businesses to truly analyze it critically.

At the end of the day, all that matters is getting the assistance you need to propel your business to a more successful and profitable future.

Partner America, made available to businesses through a partnership with the U.S. Conference of Mayors, guides owners to that finish line quicker, saving them stress, time, and (most importantly) money.

When we first meet with owners, one of our primary focuses is to uncover the biggest and most costly obstacle(s) they face. And that changes with every business.

What doesn’t change is the advice they offer to fellow owners after taking advantage of the Partner America program. That advice is “don’t wait, address your problems yesterday with a solid plan.”

For an owner to take advantage of all that Partner America has to offer, they must be genuinely committed to creating something extraordinary. Whether that’s grow sales, improve productivity or maximize profits…the only thing that matters is that they want to be extraordinary.

Find out if the Partner America Program might be right for your business by calling 800-123-4567.

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